Welcome to the smart people's page.All the smartasses out there try and do this question:
There is a prison cell which has in it three prisoners, their names being Jay, Kaan, and Kaoc. The prisoners are to play a game organised by a prison guard, involving 5 discs, 3 of which is black and 2 white, if they win the game they are allow to go free.
This is how the game works. Each prisoner is given a disc out of the three black and two white discs.
Each prisoner is aware of the fact that there is three black and two white discs, and each can see what colour discs are given to the other two but not their own because the discs are subsequently placed on their forehead.
The first prisoner to yell out the correct colour of the disc on their forehead wins the game. They must however be careful of their choice because if their guess was incorrect they will face the death sentence.
After each prisoner was handed to them the disc, the cell remain quiet for a while. Jay being a bit of a smart ass knows he does not have to guess the colour of the disc because he can easily figure it out. Jay sees a black disc on Kaan’s head and a white disc on Kaoc’s head. Jay then smugly told the prison guard the correct colour and strolls out of the prison cell feeling pity for his lower IQ inmates.
Other details:
The prisoners are not allowed to communicate with each other in anyway.They cannot see any reflection of the colour of the discs either on the wall, on the disc or on their oily face..etc.
Can you figure out how Jay came about his answer? What colour did Jay have?
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